
Nagios Log Server 1.4.0

8 Gennaio 2016 SnetAdmin Comments Off

Nagios Log Server 1.4.0

Abbiamo rilasciato la versione 1.4.0 di Nagios Log Server. Questa nuova versione include nuove funzionalità e aggiornamenti, come un elasticsearch curator, che facilità le funzionalità di backup e snapshot più robuste, e macro per inviare alerts via mail con gli ultimi Log come parte del messaggio.

Below is the full change list:

- Removed the index.php from URL (although old urls including index.php will still work)  
- Updated sourceguardian loaders supporting up to php 5.6   
- Updated elasticsearch curator to 3.4.0   
- Added Log Source Setup instructions for syslog-ng   
- Added restore single or multiple indices from snapshots   
- Added email templates for alerts   
- Added special macros for email alert templates  
- Added fullscreen capabilities to the dashboard by clicking "Fullscreen" next to dashboard title   
- Added email options to set name of sender and name/email for reply-to field   
- Added interface URL in global settings for URL link in alerts   
- Fixed nxlog sample config to properly send nxlog.log   
- Fixed alert run end time slight offset on slow systems   
- Fixed apply configuration to display an error if configuration could not be successfully verified and was not applied   
- Fixed manage queries not always refreshing by preventing caching get_queries api calls   
- Fixed host count on dashboard to no longer count localhost as multiple hosts   
- Fixed php date not being set on install for centos 7 nodes

